About Us
We offer professional services for appraisal evaluations of real estate properties to provide current market value by trained, accredited appraisers. Our approach takes into consideration your needs to provide you with accurate, timely and professional valuations.
In the Southern Ontario region, Antec Appraisal Group is a leader in providing real estate valuation and consulting services. We deliver a broad range of valuation, consulting and property tax services for property types including commercial, industrial, agricultural, investment and development land.
Additionally, we offer various extensive consulting services for valuation and analyses of property interests; appearances before courts, boards, and tribunals to provide expert testimony in order to settle compensation or damage claims; consulting services for site assemblies, transfers, trades, and sales; valuations, analyses and compensation studies required to resolve disputes arising from the extension or widening of highway projects, the acquisition of facilities and/or sites, and urban renewal projects.
We are an independent, well recognized real estate appraisal company with extensive experience in our area. Our appraisers are either AACI (Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute), CRA (Canadian Residential Appraiser) or are candidates working towards their designation.